Isaiah 32:17

And the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever.  - Isaiah 32:17

Dear Heavenly Father,

I cannot get my sense of self worth  from my successes or from the praise of others.  No one on earth is interested in being my personal messiah to fill my need for acceptance and value.  I ultimately let them all down and they lose interest in sustaining my need for praise.  But you have established for me a perfect value.  You have dedicated yourself to redeeming me 100 %.  You gave it all for me and you tell me every day that you love and accept me.  When I realize how bad I've been or think I've been particularly good, you treat me the same.  It's always unconditional love.  That's a righteousness that brings peace and quietness inside me.  It makes me less agitated with others too.  I don't expect so much from them, which was always too big of a burden to lay on them anyway.  Thank you for freeing me from my pursuit of praise and worth, to become a friend of sinners and a contented person who has a peaceful heart.


Pastor Don Patterson

There's noting quite like the peace of knowing God has promised to keep you as his child.