Psalm 13:3-4

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Look on me and answer, Lord my God.  Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall. – Psalm 13:3-4

Dear heavenly Father,

There are so many issues in life that are just too big for us.  We often seemed surprised when our lives get out of control.  But the truth is that they are never in our control.  You have to be our preserver and deliverer.  We will fall prey to harm if you do not keep your angels on duty.  We will fall prey to the devils temptations if you did not sustain us by your Holy Spirit.  We need you every hour.  So, please be my deliverer today and always.  My life is in your hands and I will trust in your deliverance. Build your hedge around me and guard me wherever I go.  


Pastor Don Patterson

The God who invented the mama bear knows how to protect his children.