Titus 2:14 - Jesus gave himself for us.

Jesus gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own eager to do good works." - Titus 2:14

Dear Jesus, 

I can grasp intellectually what these words mean, "Jesus gave himself for us." It means you die in my place.  But to appreciate emotionally and spiritually what it means that you wholly replaced my damned soul with yours comes over me in waves. Who does that?  We all give up some things for others but not everything. You gave up everything for me.  Your life was over so mine would have no end. I feel loved just thinking about it. How could I ever unknown this once I get it?

I believe you saved me by paying the highest price. Make that one thought my constant companion today.  Amen

Pastor Don Patterson

Sometimes it's best to just think of being loved beyond reason by Christ and nothing else.